Monday, September 2, 2013

Is it a Literature?

For me, a literature is a piece of work wherein the author was able to present his ideas in an organize manner in which he relays what he wants to relay. In addition, a literature is something that allows the mind to think critically and creatively through the words that are presented in front of him. For instance, the shortest story by Ernest Hemingway which have the words, “For sale. Baby shoes. Never worn” is considered a literature for the fact that this piece of work allows us to think critically and creatively. Here are some of the questions that I thought upon reading this story:
  • ·         Why is it for sale?
  • ·         Why is it never worn?
  • ·         Why is it a baby shoes?
These are some of the questions that I thought upon reading the story. A literature allows imagination and creativity to work hand-in-hand with the comprehension. If you cannot understand the work because it is gibberish, not because it is in another language that you cannot understand, it’s non-sense. The author was not able to relay his message perfectly.

I believe that the Artemis Fowl is a literature because it creates a whole new different world for the reader. Literary works should be able to provide an avenue for the reader to use his or her imagination without limits. It is a way of reading one’s work.

In the end, Artemis Fowl is two-thumbs up book that everyone should read to give us a broader view of what is good and evil in the context of a somehow children’s book. In addition, there is upcoming movie for the said book. Read the rest of the story here.

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